Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Finisheed and (not) done (;

After many moments of nervousness, crazy trips to downtown, interviewing, stressing, and even a few tears (yeah..weird), I FINALLY finished my first story!
Unfortunately, today I found out the court case for my second story isn't happening anymore, and I wont get to see Tammy's cat! :'(
But I will now be working with Leonel on a swine flu story. (:

Today's lunch was pretty interesting. We got to hear some anecdotes from our editors about students in previous workshops. Both the good and the not so good. Haha, pretty crazy stuff. It all made me wonder what their thoughts on us are already, how much have they changed since the beggining of the workshop, and how much different will they be once it's all over?
I'm hoping it will all be positive. Or not...because it seems like they get more of a kick out of the crazy, not so good stuff in the long run. Hah.
I'm just kidding. (:
They get a kick out of it from the very beginning. (AHAHA) ok no. I'm seriously kidding this time.
Anyway, Im sure at least one editor will read this, and I might get in trouble...I dont know. But if any editor that is reading this doesn't mind answering to the questions about what your thoughts are regarding us students, that'd be AWESOME (:
Okay, I'll stop blabbering all over this thaang.
Thanks for reading!

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